About Us

Started in the year 1990, SMC is a well-diversified financial service company in India & Abroad, offering one stop investment solutions in trading & investments. SMC believes in growing with its clients and creating valuable relationships. It’s about having the passion to go that extra mile and it’s about making the clients and partners a part of the family.

SMC offers advanced broking services across equity, derivative, currency and commodity asset classes, financial analytics, mortgage advisory, investment banking and executions in cash & future equities.

Thanks to its extensive market knowledge, innovative tools and dedicated client relationships, SMC has become the principal inter-dealer broker in both exotic and vanilla equity derivative instruments.

  • Established Since 1990
  • WIDE RANGE of financial products & services
  • IN-HOUSE RESEARCH team to provide you the best of advisory
  • Pan India Presence Large network of Branches & Sub- Brokers
  • Overseas Office Dubai
  • Award Winning financial services company