Investor's Corner

Director's & Officers

Stock Exchange Disclosures

Financial Statements

Financial Results

Board Meeting Notices where financial results shall be discussed

Disclosures of related party transactions

Earnings Call

Corporate Governance Report

Familiarization Programmes

Terms and conditions of appointment of Independent Directors

Criteria of making payments to NEDs

Code of Conduct for BoD and Senior Management

KMP authorised for the purpose of determining materiality

Board And Committees


    – Audit Committee

    S. No. Name Designation
    1 Mr. Dinesh Kumar Saraaf Chairman
    2 Mr. Naveen ND Gupta Member
    3 Mr. Hemant Bhargava Member
    4 Mr. Narendra Kumar Member

    -Nomination and Remuneration Committee

    S. No. Name Designation
    1 Mr. Gobind Ram Choudhary Chairman
    2 Mr. Naveen ND Gupta Member
    3 Mr. Dinesh Kumar Saraaf Member

    – Corporate Social Responsibility

    S. No. Name Designation
    1 Mr. Subhash Chand Aggarwal Chairman
    2 Mr. Mahesh Chand Gupta Member
    3 Mr. Dinesh Kumar Saraaf Member

    – Stakeholders Relationship Committee

    S. No. Name Designation
    1 Mr. Narendra Kumar Chairman
    2 Mr. Dinesh Kumar Saraaf Member
    3 Mr. Anurag Bansal Member

    – Risk Management Committee

    Sl. No. Name Designation
    1. Mr. Anurag Bansal Chairman
    2. Mr. Ajay Garg Member
    3. Mr. Himanshu Gupta Member
    4. Mr. Hemant Bhargava Member

    – Business Responsibility and Sustainability Committee

    Sl. No. Particulars Designation
    1. Business Responsibility Head Mrs. Reema Garg

    Chief Human Resource Officer


    2. Designated Director ensuring implementation of business responsibilities policies


    Mr. Anurag Bansal

    Whole Time Director of the Company

    Board Structure

                                                 Board of Directors

    No. Name Designation
    1 Mr. Subhash Chand Aggarwal Chairman & Managing Director
    2 Mr. Mahesh Chand Gupta Vice Chairman & Managing Director
    3 Mr. Ajay Garg Director & Chief Executive Officer
    4 Mr. Anurag Bansal Whole-Time Director
    5 Mr. Himanshu Gupta Non-Executive Director
    6 Ms. Shruti Aggarwal Whole Time Director
    7 Ms. Neeru Abrol Independent & Non-Executive Director
    8 Mr. Naveen ND Gupta Independent & Non- Executive Director
    9 Mr. Narendra Kumar Independent & Non- Executive Director
    10 Mr. Gobind Ram Choudhary Independent & Non- Executive Director
    11 Mr. Dinesh Kumar Sarraf Independent & Non- Executive Director
    12 Mr. Hemant Bhargava Independent & Non- Executive Director



Annual Reports And Returns

Shareholding Pattern

Policies And Codes

Memoradum Of Association And Articles Of Association

General Meetings

Investor Information

Unclaimed Dividend/Transfer Of Shares To IEPF

General Information


Corporate Social Responsibility